Monday, July 28

SONA Fashion Show

Instead of being a solemn occasion, the SONA '08 became a fashion show.

Is there anything worth addressing? The Text message to go down to fifty cents. So?
"Texting is a way of life." --PGMA.
So what? Rice is more important than Text. How much would rice be?

Things that have to be addressed are:
  • Poverty
  • Population Control
  • Rice Crisis
  • Gas Price Increase
  • Corruption
  • Red Taping and "Lagay" system
  • The environment
  • Efficient Transportation
So, instead of showing off those designer outfits, you should sell it and give the money to a legitimate NGO. 100,000.00 goes a long, long way. Even if the designer is your friend.
That red carpet show in the SONA was just disgusting. All those people showing-of should be ashamed of themselves.
While the country is in a crisis, these people parade around like clowns. Don’t they know where the money comes from?
(Sounds very Maria Antoinette-ish? Then, the crisis might explode and shake this country very soon.)

Sunday, July 27

Hair Color

Hair Color Blue and Red!

Wednesday, July 23

Cost Cutting Much!

For those who have not been flying recently, here's the thing:
Read and read well.

As seen on papers, Cebu Pacific has been cutting price. Yey for us. Right?
Here's the catch:
  • No food, no drinks, no blankets, no emergency oxygen.
  • Food and drinks must be purchased. a C2 350ml for 50.00!!! 500ml for 100.00. Pack of peanuts or chips for 50.00. No kid! You can't bring drinks in the plane. Drink your own laway! You can bring your own food. Being your own blanket too. If you have heart/lung problems, you can't bring your own oxygen. Ride a boat if you dare!
  • Small plane, squeeze much chairs.
  • Oh yeah, best one yet: You don't go through the tube to get in the plane. You have to exit through the fire exit, go out in the heat/rain and run to the plane which is beside the tube. But they can't use it. One of the land stewardess said it cost 35,000.00 to just use the tube. Talk about cost cut much.
So, tips:
  1. Eat ahead of time.
  2. Bring your own blanket and knick knacks
  3. wear comfy clothes and shoes. You can freshen up in the CR when you get down.
  4. Oh, make sure you don't cry when your luggage gets battered. Or whatever is in there for that matter.
No kid! Witnessed it myself! They throw your luggage from the carty thing. If you have that fragile thing on your luggage, they will put it on top but that doesn't stop them from dropping it. These carriers won't care. Don't worry, I haven't lost the whole luggage but I've lost two wheels and the strolly thing at the back. Three luggages in a year!
I know you Cebu Pacific guys are cutting cost! But it doesn't take much to take care of the luggage. It won't cost anything!

Guess the Food!

Guess what these are:

Picture A. It's brown and sticky.
If you think this is Barbeque Spareribs or something like that...

Wrong! It's Biko! Behind it is not garlic chips but V-cut BBQ Chips.

Picture B. What does it look like?

Alien Planet?

Di ka taga-Dabaw! It's Marang. A bit half eaten. Yum!

Monday, July 21

Davao and Food... Again

I was in Davao the whole week!
Yup, the city where food is always good!
I've learned that Harana's prices went up. So, we went in front instead to Cubyertos, along Torres. Chicken Salad is a must! Can't get enough. Ate it twice and took out a third time.
Rising prices? In a budget?
Go eat Chinese! There's this place called Mandarin. Food=SULIT! Order anything. Eat everything!!!
Makes me fat. Food and lots of choices!

Yesterday, we went to Torril. Lechon on the road and picnic in Campo Agua. Picnics are good. You can't do that in polluted Manila. Air is still clean in Davao and food is still prepared with love.

Must eat snacks:
  • Eclairs form Boulangerie, Victoria Plaza
  • Merco Jelly Roll or Plain Chiffon Cake
  • Chocolate Cake and Cathedral from Cecil's
  • Chicharon with Pinakurat Vinegar
  • Peanuts from the Streets
  • Bola-Bola Siopao from Famous
  • Durian Tarts/Candy/Pie

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