Sunday, October 30

SM Surplus Deception

Times are hard but does that mean you have to decieve to boost sales? This is what happened yesterday in SM Bicutan Surplus. We were shopping for pants. There was a big sale on pants with prices P249.75 each. It says so in the rack that the price was down. Then in the counter, the price was P399.75. The sales lady reasoned that a customer might have placed it there by accident. But that was quite impossible for the rack was organized and all pants in that rack were the same! The sales ladies didn't want to get the sign down. We called the supervisor but she only smiled and said sorry. The sign was taken down but the price was not. When we were leaving, they put back the sign. Talk about deception!
This is a warning to everyone. Careful! Times are hard and people are harder! When there is a descreapancy on prices, complain so they would know they can't fool you.
This happened in SM Bicutan in Surplus.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Steve Forbes Defends Blogging In Podcast
An interesting follow-up to the Forbes shallow journalism story yesterday which described how the magazine portrayed blogs and bloggers as the source of all evil .
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