- A wickedly cute umbrella with lace or prints
- Clothes that fit
- 2 bottles of Mr. Muscles Mold and Mildew Cleaner (spray type)
- Portable CD Drive with burner
- Killer shoes
- Ninja or gladiators will do as well
- If there's nothing else, gift checks for National and Powerbooks will do.
Monday, December 13
My 400th post
Friday, October 22
Sample world
Talecraft Fantasy World Building Contest
Create your own original fantasy world and present it in any medium you want. It could be a form of artwork or written as prose. Each contestant must present their world in 5 minutes at Powerbooks Greenbelt, 3pm, October 24, 2010.
Any 5 of the following must be presented:
· Conditions of magic
· Similarities/difference to earth
· Level of technology
· Description of people/race living
· Profile of Villain (Occupation, archetype, physical description and role in the world)
· Villain: His purpose/evil plan
· Profile of Hero (Occupation, archetype, physical description and role in the world)
· Hero: His quest/purpose in the story
· Fashion: Everyday clothing of everyday people
· Fashion: Special/occasional clothing (state the occasion)
· Fashion: National costume of one of the countries
· Lifestyle: Food available in the country.
· Lifestyle: disparity between rich, middle class and poor
· Language

Sample: The World of Di
History: Ruled by twin Angels, they made humans who live there into conjoint twins.
Language: Common Language for entire world
Fashion: Mirror’s earth such that they wear jeans, cotton sun dresses, etc. Janusians are more Asian ethnic while Diplos have Grecian Inspirations.
Technology: Steam punk but with advances that are near modern.They don't have airplanes but they do have hydroblimps.
People: 4 different race: Janusians, Diplos, Ischios and Dicephaly
• All of the people of Di are Conjoint Twins. They started as separate individuals until they drank of the Forbidden Fountain. After that, they started to die from the water. Aingel (Ain and Gel) conjoint the remaining people so that they will survive.
• A dominant twin is different per twin type. For a Janusian, the dominant twin is the one with the frontal body. For a Diplo, the dominant twin is chosen by the parents. For Ischios and Dicephs, the DT comes out of the parents before the other.
• Setting: City of Merga, located in Astranea
• Melting pot of 4 races.
• Population of 15 million living in Merga.
• Tourist population: 5 million a year.
• Merga lives through trade. It has no source of food, fuel or any natural resources. Since it is located in the middle of 4 nations, each twin set goes to Merga to trade.
Heroines: Marilyn and Caitlyn Salvador
• Age: 16 years old
• Twin Type: Diplos – Two bodies conjoint in the middle.
• Marilyn is the “Dominant Twin.” She is the most logical of the two. She loves scrapbooking and photography
• Caitlyn is whimsical and artistic. She loves dancing, sculpting and painting.
Villain : Serni and Daynel
• Archetype: Dark Lord – Psychopath
• Serni is not the DT but he kills his twin and takes over. Daynel is an empty rotting shell.
• Evil Plot: To separate the twins again
• How: Find the Fountain- the source of how the people in Di became twins. Use the water to create a virus to separate twins. Problem: when twins are separated, there’s a 50% chance one dies after the other.
• Employs shady people to reach his goals.
The Story
• Marilyn and Caitlyn move to the City of Merga. They meet new friends and attend a whole new school. While taking a field trip to Cambalez Valley, they rescue a human from the river. Since all of Di are Conjoint twins, the boy is considered a half-man. Some speculate that he is an angel.
• Marilyn and Caitlyn embarks on a quest to help him find his memories back.
• They accidentally uncover Serni’s plot.
Tuesday, September 28
Thursday, August 19
Painting Hats
Friday, June 25
Espresso Launched it's Pilot

Wednesday, May 26
Term "Jejemon" explained
“Jejemons," or those who embraced the jejemon fad, write "jeje" instead of hehe to indicate laughter. Using J instead of H might have been derived from Spanish, whose speakers denote the interjection as laughter, or because the letters "h" and "j" are beside each other on the computer keyboard, and that it is appended by "-mon" that came from the Japanese anime Pokémon, with "-mon" meant as "monster," hence "jeje monsters."
from:Jejemon fanatics find an ‘ally’ in Catholic bishop
GMANews.TV - Tuesday, May 25
Thursday, May 20
Thursday, January 21
Breakfast at Cafe de Lipa
Tuesday, January 12
Racist in Avatar Movie?
In response to yahoo's article:
Yeah, perhaps it is the whole White Messiah thing but perhaps James Cameron didn't really intend to make it so.
For me, it is a well executed Futuristic Sci-Fi Pocahontas and Fern Gully. It one of those movies you watch to unwind. Yeah, some scenes were soooo cliche and expected but then if they didn't happen, you'd be disappointed.
So what do the critics want?
I like it. I'll probably buy the DVD and watch it a couple of times.
Cool world. Neat tech. Good execution. Colorful characters.
Wednesday, January 6
5 second spark
I counted.
It was the just a spark the it died down. I even tested burning the whole thing. Nope. That was all the fire power it had.
Stupid firecrackers.
I'm not buying anymore next year!
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